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Integrated Laboratory
June 30 - July 11, 2025
Undergraduate , Postgraduate
Non-HKU , Local , Non-local
Non-credit Bearing
Residental Hall (≥Aged 15) / Hotel (Optional)


Application Deadline:
February 7, 2025 (10% Early Bird Discount)
March 21, 2025 (For Non-local)
May 31, 2025 (For Local)
Programme Code
Programme Description

The course provides students with hands-on experience using techniques employed in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry.


Students will learn a variety of synthetic methods, including vacuum and inert atmosphere techniques for preparing organic and organometallic compounds. Additionally, students will gain insights of characterization and structural identification through 2D NMR techniques.

Learning Outcomes
  • Demonstrate a good practice of laboratory safety and exercise proper procedures for safe handling and usage of chemicals
  • Demonstrate proficiency in synthetic chemical laboratory techniques
  • Apply modern instrumentation techniques to characterize organic compounds and draw conclusions from the results
  • Analyze the influence of chemical structure on the physical and chemical properties of organic molecules
  • Demonstrate problem-solving skills, critical thinking and analytical reasoning


Course Outline Download: 

Programme Schedule

June 30


July 1


July 2




July 4


 Expt 1

9:30 - 17:30

 Public Holiday

Expt 2

9:30 - 17:30

Tutorial 1

2 hrs

Expt 3

9:30 - 17:30


July 7


July 8


July 9


July 10


July 11


Expt 4

9:30 - 17:30

Tutorial 2

2 hrs

Expt 5

9:30 - 17:30


2 - 3 hrs

Practical Exam

9:30 - 17:30


*NO lecture is scheduled for July 1, 2025, due to a public holiday.


Pre-lab Quiz: 35%

Lab Report: 10%

Lab Performance: 10%

Presentation: 20%

Practical Exam: 25%

  • Applicants should have taken at least an organic chemistry course with a laboratory component.
  • Currently studying for a bachelor’s degree or a master's degree.
Programme Fee


10% - Early Bird Discount (On or before February 7, 2025)
10% - Partnership Discount / Referral Discount / HKU Family Discount (Staff, Students, and Alumni) / Academy for the Talented Summer Scholarships / Special Discount
20% - HKUSI Alumni Discount

* All discounts are NOT in conjunction with any other discounts. 

  • Students of non-credit bearing programmes will receive a Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the programme. Students of credit-bearing programmes can apply for a transcript stating HKU credits. Please contact your home institution regarding the recognition of HKU credits.
  • It is understood that you must be available for the entire duration of the programme, from the start to the end. A 20% absence allowance is permitted for emergencies or sick leave, provided there is a legitimate reason and official letterhead proof for the absence. Students are responsible for contacting the programme coordinator and/or the relevant teacher in advance regarding any anticipated absence. No exceptions will be made unless prior approval has been granted. Punctuality is expected for all classes and tutorials. Unexcused lateness may be considered as an absence. Students who fail to achieve an 80% attendance rate or who are absent without legitimate reason and official letterhead proof will not be awarded HKU Credits or the Certificate of Attendance.